Thursday, October 25, 2012

Party with a Purpose!!!


You're invited!

Please click on the invitation to see more details about our Sweet On Guatemala Event!
Feel free to share and bring friends and family! Please come to see what God has captured our hearts with!

Brad & Shawn

Sweet on Guatemala Event
Friday, November 2, 2012
6 - 10 PM
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© 2012 Punchbowl, Inc.
Punchbowl, Inc. 50 Speen Street, Suite 202, Framingham, MA 01701

Friday, October 12, 2012

Party with a Purpose!!!


You're invited! Please click on the invitation to see more details and to RSVP.
Feel free to share or show up! Hope to see you there!
Brad & Shawn

Sweet on Guatemala Event
Friday, November 2, 2012
6 - 10 PM
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We will never sell your email address. Read the privacy policy at:

© 2012 Punchbowl, Inc.
Punchbowl, Inc. 50 Speen Street, Suite 202, Framingham, MA 01701

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The confidence a child brings

I usually look at photos of myself and am critical of everything i see.... tripple chins, strange smile or expression, dark circles under my eyes, name it and have probably done it to your own photo. Something really amazing happens when i look at this photo taken with my son Josh. I feel beautiful. I look at this photo and it isn't about what i look like but is about a precious memory and a deep joy and happiness that exudes in our smiles. Love this photo and loved the reminder that life is just too short to get hung up on all the beauty expectations and worries of what we think others think when they look at us. Who cares! If they truly know us, the external beauty matters none!

Sunday, April 22, 2012


In a few short weeks my team will be departing for the what i call the "middle 1/3" of our trip. Realistically the trip does not occur in equally divided portions ("1/3's") but I refer to the three "phases" as "The Beginning 1/3", "The Middle 1/3" & "The Final 1/3". Even though these 3 phases of a mission trip are not equal in experience, time or emotional value, the 3 intertwine and are each a part of the full experience.
The Beginning 1/3: A mission trip requires much preparation... Preparation emotionally, physically, spiritually & financially. The preparation phase for me feels like it takes the longest of the 3 parts, can at times seem like the least fun, as it can feel very time & energy consuming.  When preparing for the trip we need to learn to be patient, open our eyes & heart, work hard yet find rest and refreshment in time with God.  We learn to deal with adversity & deadlines while relying upon the Lord.  We need to focus on seeing the daily blessings that surround us that we often fail to experience and our time preparing should be drawing us nearer to God. Through all of these preparations we sometimes lose our focus on the purpose of the trip when faced with so much to do and so many details to pay attention to. When we begin tripping over ourselves and our own agenda, God gently humbles us & reminds us to trust in Him & let Him take the lead.
The middle 1/3: This is the portion of the experience that takes place while we are in Guatemala serving as we also develop ourselves and our relationship with God. This is a mere 2 weeks of time compared to the months of preparation & the years following the trip but yet it is the most intense in so many ways (emotionally, physically, mentally & spiritually). This is the part that is tangible, real, leaving nothing to the imagination. It is the full throttle experience using all our God given senses.... seeing, hearing, feeling & tasting what seems a billion experiences. Experiences that can be readily recalled upon our return home through seeing a photo.  Experiences that are repressed in efforts to protect our tattered heart  & weary soul and brought fully to life and out of repression with a simple sound or smell.

The Final 1/3: Upon our return home, we fulfill our longing to sleep in our own bed, we snuggle and hug our dear ones close. We tell them of our experience and talk incessantly about details that probably bore them to pieces trying to get them to experience as closely as we can to what we did. We savor our favorite foods and drink a ton of water directly out of the faucet. We may even look forward to actually throwing toilet paper in the toilet. We are drawn back into our busy lives & obligations doing whatever it is that desires/requires our attention. At this point it seems to be the natural "completion" of a trip away from our comfort zone. The return home and return to "normalcy" shouldn't be the completion of the journey. Gods wants us to do so much more with the experience.
After my first trip to Guatemala my heart and spirit where not prepared for the imploding guilt and overwhelming whirling of heart wrenching stories and images that spun in my heart & mind constantly. My emotions were raw & I found myself breaking down every time I stopped to try to process what I had experienced or if someone asked me about the trip. I just couldn't wrap my head around the experience and get my emotions to settle down enough to really feel like I had accomplished much. I realized this was because I was relying on my own weakening strength and was not looking to God to bring me a sense of peace and thankfulness for what I had experienced. I realized I was letting the transformation that had begun with the preparations for the trip to stop when I returned. I didn't consider that the experience wasn't over and that God was trying to move me in a direction I had not even imagined. He was working in my heart & soul through the unsettled feelings I was having to encourage me to use my spiritual gifts & the trip's experiences to serve Him more. God wants us to find ministry opportunities and places people into our paths every day that are in need of prayer, are in need of financial help, that are in need of support & encouragement. He gives us the courage to be bold for Him at times we normally would remain silent. He gives us multiple opportunities to speak of our faith and share our testimony from the trip. God can use our experiences to open wider our eyes & heart to seeing people's needs with Jesus' eyes. He wants us to do so while giving Him the glory. This last portion of the trip lasts a lifetime and doesn't end until we choose to bring the journey to a close.
God is good all the time!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fun Guatemala fundraising events!

Hope this find each of you enjoying the amazingly beautiful weather!
I am writing to let you know about a few upcoming events I have scheduled to raise funds for my May 2012 Guatemala service team.  If you can participate in one or all of them, I would be very grateful!

Paparazzi Jewelry & Accessories Basket Parties
I have become an independant consultant for this amazing line of jewelry & hair accessories. Beautify yourself or give a sweet gift without the guilt! Every item is only $6 (tax included), cash, credit card or a check and carry! Call me to arrange for an open house (612.709.0914) or I can put together a basket of items for you to sell at your office to earn a discount on your own purchase!
March 31st craft sale: (need shoppers and crafters for the event!)
April 1st & April 7th , 2012 from 10am to 6pm my team will be bagging groceries at Cub Foods  in Coon Rapids (Northdale location on the 1st & Riverdale location on the 7th)
I need a few more volunteers to help us bag groceries as well as people to come and shop and make a small donation to our cause.  If you can volunteer a few hours, please email me with your availability.
New Face of Guatemala Cinco de Mayo 5k & Family Fun Fest
May 5th, 2012 from 10am to 12:30pm
You don't want to miss this amazing event!!! It's not just a run, there will be something for everyone! Kids 1k, silent auction, raffles, walking nachos, non-alcoholic Margueritas! Here is the link for details and to register:

Online donations
If you are unable to attend one of the events listed above and still wish to support my work please consider donating online, any amount (even a few dollars) makes a huge difference in helping the poorest of the poor in this world. (Did you know that $5 can buy groceries for a week for a family in Guatemala?) Your money will go directly to helping me help families!  Here is the link to donate:

Please feel free to share this information with friends & family! I have fliers & jpg's to post on your facebook, etc if you will, just email me @ so I can send them to you! I appreciate the help getting the word out!  I hope to see you at one of these events!  Thanks so much!
:)  Shawn Johnson
Service Team Leader

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Cinco de Mayo 5k & Family Fun Fest (May 5th, 2012)

We have finalized the date for our 2nd annual Guatemala Service Team fundraiser 5k family fun fest event!  What better day than Cinco de Mayo???  A true festival this shall be!!! We have so much to celebrate and we are hoping this event is successful beyond our expectations.  Please register to participate... this event is for FUN so no worries if you are not a pro! There will be a children's 1k, silent auction, a family friendly atmosphere and much more...something for everyone!!!!! Hey! We will even have "Walking Nachos" & non-alcoholic margaritas available! Here is the link to register:  If you can't make it to the 5K and wish to support my work in Guatemala, you can go to active giving and donate:

This year's team has been engaging in many personal fundraising activities to recoup the huge airfare expense as well as the typical expenses associated with doing a service team/mission trip. It is our hope that those fundraising activities (Craft fairs, grocery bagging, letter writing) will take care of the travel expenses so that the funds we earn at the 5k can be used solely to bless the families we have and will build homes for.  My goal this year is to bring kits with items that the families can make items to sell in order to place food on their tables and make land payments for their homes.  These "home business start up kits" are a simple way to help families help themselves out of the daily struggle to tend to their basic needs.  So far I have collected the scrap fabric that will be needed for one of my kit ideas (a HUGE thanks to Alicia Overby and Baby Elephant Ears).  This plan is extremely simple and very achievable, all it takes is some funds! Many of these family have no job, no resources...Nothing. My team will provide them with something that costs so very little to give them the opportunity to earn a small income in order to make meeting their basic needs a little less of a struggle.
I can't wait to update everyone on this project's progress.  Please continue to be in prayer for my team, the God's Child Project and the families they serve. Thank you! :) Shawn